To reports the most ommitted segment and events specially those threatening humanity
Save India
Published on March 15, 2006 By Major Maths In Politics
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the RSS have been using superstiton and spirituality to make hindu masses destroy the minorities and dalits.A number of Gurus and tantriks have been in fact been propped up by these facist who are in fact successful in poisoning the minds of hindus and getting them torment exploit and sabotage the dalits and outcasts ie muslims and christians subtly secretly and silently.These Gurus are preaching all sorts of tricks and instuments of secret actions to deal with indivduals belonging to minorties in various capacities.These Gurus and tantriks with millions of blind followers to whom these Gurus and tantriks are "God Almighty" which they openly say ,and his words the last word,and the source of moksha ,are trying to establish atrocious brahmanic order of the yore with the aim of either destroying the outcastes or enslaving the rest as Dalits.One such cult is "Divya Jagrati Sansthan" headed by one Swami Asutosh .Some say that he is trying to be another Sankar Acharya who had wiped out buddhism from India.The likes of Vishwa Hindu Parishad are fooling the world by polemics.This Organisation receives tremedous fund from the NRIs in the western countries which is distributed to a plethora of deadly organisationsa and cults which are promoting facist agenda and which is used in for terrorising the minorities and dalits .The money is being used to promote facism and destroying the minorites in India. The govt is powerless as every second person in India is a sympathiser of facism
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